Sunday, May 15, 2011

[ART/RANT]6 reasons why drawing porn won't make you a better artist (discretion advised)

Let me explain the reason of this post first, I'm quite tired and dissapointed of a certain site that contained 78% of the time anthropomorphic art, I thought it was going to be okay to enter such site but it wasn't... because it's more of a pornographic site than anything else (and don't get me started on the filter, it doesn't even work anymore, porn is even submitted as NORMAL ART. So I'm permanently stopping my submissions there, only porn artists get the spotlight as well without drawing their attention towards other greater artists... and it made me wonder, "I have better benefits from drawing normal things... let me list them down"

And here we go:

1) You won't get good feedback:

The only feedback you will be getting, is probably... HAWT, TITS OMG GOTTA FAP TO THAT or other stuff like that, When I submit something I want people to tell me what they think about it, I'm not interesting if you want to have THAT kind of activity while watching my drawing, I need to grow as an artist. Those guys most proabbly say to fix breast size and such, and it doesn't help.

image relevant, blurred for their and our safety

6 comments that are defnitly DO NOT WANT in my case

This is why it's better to not draw porn ALL THE GAWD DAMM TIME, you will get normal and helpful feedback and you will be able to correct some mistakes they might point out and evolve as an artist. If you want to be a good artist, seek evolution! be better!

2) Your mind slowly begins to deteriorate

Really, I've seen many friends fall in this way. They draw one of these drawings once, and then they become closed in a small box called "perversion maximus" I don't want to limit my imagination to only naughty stuff... there is more than that...

not to mention some of my friends where picturing people in things... god I don't want to go through those chats again)

3) Your drawings MIGHT stop making sense

We all know drawings can be anything, but if you really want a drawing t stand out, make it have sense, give it a story! It's hard, but at least you will evolve as an artist.

I also want to quote something really interesting that the creator of Scott Pilgrim said in DA before he deactivated his account

"The reason I don't draw single drawings it's because I don't feel them move just like in a comic strip, it gives them a story" it was something like that, but he basically could imagine a character in a single pose because he didn't feel like they were doing something other than posing. Although it is possible to give sense to your drawings in a single drawing or frame, but drawing porn makes you simply just draw the things that people are going to get interested in. also..

4) Emotions shall become bleak and pointless to you

Because they wil only want the sex, seriously, emotions ARE important, and as an artist you'd love to express your emotions in a way.

It's quite the same as above.

(reminder, make a post about Music is Emotion)

5) Because drawng too much of the same is not evolving...

It's QUITE self explicatory

6) You will be famous by wrong means...

Porn generally atracts a lot of people, and if you do get famous like this, you will never be able to draw something normal ans submit it more than three times because you will lose audience... (not to mention no one will even have a look at it, although some people have got away with that)

I want to be known as an artist for my creativity and my art, not by perversion.


I'm not saying, stop drawing porn, you can as well do it... this was mostly a rant of how too much porn can harm you as an artist...

and that is it... goodbye now people!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed my friend, your words seem true. Good job speaking your mind.
